Gut Health for a Healthier Body & Younger Skin

2/27/20252 min read

I've always been passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and exploring ways to boost longevity. Recently, I’ve become fascinated with gut health and the gut microbiome, thanks to all the videos and posts I've seen on social media.

According to what I read gut microbiome, in simple terms, it's a community of tiny living organisms – like bacteria, fungi, yeast, and even viruses – that live in our digestive system. Believe it or not, about 100 trillion of these little guys live inside our bodies, and most of them hang out in our gut!

Why Should We Care About Gut Health?

Whenever we eat, our stomach produces gastric acid that helps kill many harmful germs, also known as pathogens. A pathogen is basically anything that causes disease, like certain viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Don’t worry, though – our bodies are naturally full of microbes, and most of them are actually good for us. They only become a problem if our immune system is weak or if they sneak into places they shouldn’t be.

The Gut-Brain-Skin Connection – Wow!

I recently discovered that the gut microbiome isn’t just about digestion. It also affects our mental health, skin, and immunity! This is because the gut and brain are constantly chatting with each other, and our gut health impacts our overall well-being. This new information inspired me to learn more about how to improve and restore my gut health.

Furthermore, regular physical activity is beneficial, as exercise has been shown to enhance bacterial diversity in the gut. Incorporating stress-reducing practices like meditation or yoga can also contribute to a healthy microbiome and promote longevity. Sharing you some of the readings I find:

My Go-To Gut Health Boosters

Here are a few things I include in my daily routine to keep my gut happy:

  • Greek Yogurt with Fruits and Nuts: A delicious way to get probiotics and fiber.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (1 teaspoon mixed with water): A great kickstart for digestion.

  • Fermented Cabbage (Sauerkraut): Packed with probiotics to support healthy gut bacteria.

My Favorite Fermented Cabbage Picks

I absolutely love Wildbrine Fermented Cabbage or Sauerkraut! Here are my top three choices:

  1. Classic Fermented Sauerkraut – Tangy and refreshing.

  2. Fermented Cabbage with Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory and flavorful.

  3. Spicy Kimchi – A spicy twist that adds a kick to any meal.

These three are always on my plate as a side dish. Sample pictures below.

In essence:

  • A healthy gut supports a healthy brain and clear skin.

  • An unhealthy gut can contribute to mental health issues and skin problems.

Therefore, focusing on gut health through a balanced diet, including fermented foods and probiotics, can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Where to Get Them

Living in the Philippines, I buy mine from Healthy Options. But if you’re looking to shop online, I’ve found some great alternatives you might want to check out too! Visit the Amazon affiliate link here